Monday 18 April 2022

18th April : World Heritage Day

Heritage talks about our history, our pride, our culture, our civilization, and more.  When there is no technology, lack of access to raw materials, and less manpower, our ancestors built many immortal architectural assets.  While many are resting under the soil because of natural calamities and war, some are still standing tall.  It is our duty to protect this history at any cost.  On realizing this on18th April 1982, The International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) organized a symposium in Tunisia and suggested that day should be celebrated as a World Heritage Day all over the world to promote culture and heritage simultaneously.  In 1983, this date was adopted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) during its 22nd General Conference and since then April 18th is celebrated as World Heritage Day or International Day for Monuments and Sites.  

As an Indian, I am proud that we have plenty of monuments that are standing tall for more than 1000 years.  On this World Heritage Day, let's take a pledge to save and restore the assets left for us by our ancestors.

Though we have countless monuments, I am concerned by the fact that there are not as many stamps on heritage as there are on politicians by India Post.  Among a few stamps, that I am sharing here is, the 2020 UNESCO logo-shaped miniature sheet with 5 cultural heritage sites. 


  1. Happy to know about the Heritage Day! The first stamps of Brazil were issued on 1st August 1843 making Brazil the second country after Great Britain to issue stamps for an entire country. Like the GB stamps they do not bear the name of the country, what’s more they have become known as the “Bull’s Eyes” due to the large size and apparent resemblance to the same. Stamp collectors recognise fine,

  2. Thank you Elenir, for the nice information.


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