Saturday 1 June 2024

Saar Basin (Saargebiet)

From 1920 to 1934, the Saar Basin region, known as Saargebiet, experienced a period of transition and resilience. During this time, Saargebiet was governed by a Governing Commission appointed by the League of Nations, which consisted of representatives from various countries. Saargebiet also established its own postal administration.

The first stamps of the Saar were contemporary German stamps overprinted with "Sarre" (the French name) and a heavy solid bar striking out the "DEUTSCHES REICH" at the bottom of the stamp. This overprint was applied to 17 denominations, ranging from 2 pfennig to 1 mark, and first went on sale on January 30, 1920.

The stamps of Bavaria were similarly overprinted with "Sarre" and came into use on March 1, 1920.

More German overprints were issued on March 26, 1920, with the overprint "SAARGEBIET".

In early 1921, the Saar's first definitive series was issued. Saargebiet continued to issue stamps until 1934. 

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