Sunday 9 November 2014

Using Philately for School Projects..

I am happy to note that both my and my sister's teachers are encouraging use of stamps in our school projects.

You can see below, two recent projects that I have helped my sister with. Due to the large poster-sheets on which the projects need to be made, we cannot use 'real' stamps. Instead, only enlarged color printouts are used.

For "Agriculture through stamps", I have tried to show a few aspects of Agriculture using stamps from different countries.

For "Timeline", since I had already done a 14 sheet exhibit, we used some of those details to lay out the evolution of flight using stamps.

My sister and I would like to thank Mrs. Saraswati (Maths), Mrs. Jayashree (Social Studies) , Mrs. Savithri (Social Studies) and Mrs. A.N.Geeta (Science) for their encouragement.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting. I had practice in school last spring and didn't guess to make such work. =)


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